These are the projects we plan to work on once we have the proper resources and capacities. We will develop in three phases: culture, governance, and economy.
Note: These are subject to change and may not be completed.
We wish to create products and services that help people connect with the idea of Earth Citizenship.
Everyday we wake up to take part in this grand adventure of life. We work, play and serve. But to what purpose and why? For those that feel drawn to Earth Citizenship, we wish to offer "purpose" based clothing that people can wear to work, play, and serve. Our clothing will be a symbol for change. Something people can wear to help inspire themselves and others to change from within. To change ourselves, the companies, non-profits, and groups that we spend our precious time contributing to. These clothes will be artistic, comfortable, organic, and fairtrade shirts that share an Earth Citizen message that is appropriate for casual or work environments.
A line of beautiful comfortable sustainable fair trade shirts that share an Earth Citizen message that is appropriate for casual or work environments. We plan to develop clothing pieces for men, women and children. Some will be discreet with a message on the inside of the shirt expressing a positive quote or some philosophy. Other shirts will be more bold by having "EarthCitizen" written on the front of the shirt or other statements like, "May Life and Happiness Thrive". All the shirts will carry the EarthCitizen logo so everyone that knows the logo can know you are promoting Earth Citizenship. We hope that these clothes will spark amazing conversations, new profound relationships and positive change in the world. Brainstorm Sunburst T-Shirt The Sunburst T-Shirt represents the sun, moon and earth, without any of them life would not exist on Earth, and the rings represent the focus of the Earth Citizens on key challenges, spheres of responsibility and wisest solutions. Taking the Message to the Streets. Please help us get the Earth Citizen message on shirts so the idea of Earth Citizenship can go beyond media. We are aiming to raise funds this summer to kickstart our "Change from the Inside" clothing line. You can wear it when you go to x=Work, Y=Play or z=Serve.
Inside each of us is an intuitive sense of what it means to be an Earth Citizen: to seek truth, to work on ourselves, to help others, to help the planet and to be responsible. We are inviting you create a short video that inspire others and helps ignite the conversation of Earth Citizenship through social networks. After you have shared your video, we invite you to submit it to EarthCitizen, so it may become part of a collaborative film we are creating called “I am an Earth Citizen” that tells the story of Earth Citizens in the early 21st century.
We are developing a documentary style film that shares the story of people whom call themselves, "Earth Citizens." The film will be made of a collection of film clips provided by people from around the world. We are inviting others to make their own "Earth Citizen Expressions" in which they share anything they feel aligns with the concept of Earth Citizenship and conclude their video with the statement, "I am an Earth Citizen" in their own language. These expressions may be interviews, nature film clips, personal quotes, or photographs. The sky is the limit. We wish to utilize the social media hash tags #iam #earthcitizen to help spread the films virally through the internet.
Word of mouth is the best way to spread great ideas so we wish to get on the streets to share our and other’s ideas on Earth Citizenship.
We wish to travel the globe interviewing people, both famous and common, about the concepts of Earth Citizenship to spark up conversation and global interest. We also plan to share our ideas and products at various public forums, festivals and more.
We wish to ignite idea democracy by offering products and service that help people to understand, determine, and empower the wisest ideas.
A social network that helps people quickly understand and empower the wisest ideas, people, and groups for sustainable living and happiness.
This network will enable people and groups (i.e. communities, activist groups, non-profits, universities, cooperatives, corporations, etc.) to share the issues that matter and collaborate in global action to empower the wisest solutions for life and happiness to thrive on our planet. The site will allow people to find the wisest information for themselves and their community; socially vote by sharing those ideas; economically vote for the idea either by donation, investment, purchase, or sharing; and politically vote through law making and voting for candidates who support the idea.
Many people have access to information and resources, but many more do not. We wish to reach out to communities around the globe to give them the opportunity to experience Earth Citizenship and Idea Democracy in real world situations by hosting festivals. These events will bring people together to experience amazing ideas, music and more. While offering the opportunity to vote on the key challenges humanity currently faces as well as the wisest ideas for addressing them.
The festivals are fun, enlightening and offer an amazing experience for people where they get to discuss issues, share in wise ideas, vote on wise ideas, listen to music, experience local foods, drinks, and culture while getting to experience some of the highest ranked global solutions for helping life and happiness to thrive on the idea democracy such as doing yoga, seeing advance solar panels in action, learning about fusion energy, meditating in quiet spaces, and more.
Our planet operates an economic system for producing life, which offers the possibility for happiness to thrive; we as a group just need to synchronize with this grand system to ensure we help life and happiness to thrive. We plan to help create systems that better understand and monitor our planet’s economy and provide the tools to activate a new economic paradigm that conserves land, protects wildlife, and more and helps communities manage their own water, food, housing, and energy production more sustainably within the planetary economic system.
The air we breathe, water we drink, or forests that provide habitats for life must be conserved for future generations. We want to help communities around the globe protect their natural resources. We are proposing to develop template organizations such as land trusts and cooperatives that communities around the globe can use to protect and conserve natural resources and provide low-cost high-quality water, food, energy, and shelter.
At some point we will create powerful legal entities that start to preserve, protect and provide the resources needed to ensure the life economy can thrive. We imagine regional protection for items like wildcat pathways from North to South America, desert areas for solar power stations, and much more.
With between 9 - 11 billion people expected to be on the planet by 2050 [1] and ever increasing power to destroy our planet with each new technological advancement, we are setting ourselves up to quickly consume our resources faster than we can replenish them, which ultimately will lead to global violence, hunger, and more. To confront this global epidemic we need to be able to monitor and forecast our resources so that we can distribute them appropriately to ensure life and happiness thrives. We plan to create a back end system to the idea democracy platform that links resources directly to ideas thus quickly giving an accurate positive or negative impact analysis for the idea on life and happiness. This system will give a much better code for evaluating the wisdom of an idea than a money based currency because it ties directly to the resource values. Overtime we will be able empower an idea just by analyzing its impact on life and happiness via resource data and public vote.
Our long range vision is to develop a local, national, and global community platform/planning tool that monitors and forecasts key life producing resources capacities (i.e. clean energy, water, air, food) and pollution sink capacities (i.e. sewage recycling rate, air quality, chemical recycling) so that long range planning can be utilized to ensure local security of key life producing resource for communities for at least the next seven generations. The platform will allow for individuals, business, and governments to input resources solutions, resource risks, pollution sinks, non-renewable resources (fossil fuel, high-grade mineral ores, helium), and renewable resource (soil, water, apples, forest, fish) capacity information. The capacity information will include existing state, production forecasting, and demand forecasting. This platform will provide a language for sustainability necessary for local and national communities/organizations to describe sustainability and properly plan for resources security at the local level, which will translate to the global level over time.
We wish to first develop the platform/planning tool to monitor and forecasts Hawaii’s energy resources and pollution sinks. This platform will allow for individuals, business, organizations, universities, and governments to provide resources capacity data, resource risks, and solutions to Hawaii’s Clean Energy Initiative to be 70% clean renewable energy by the year 2030 [2]. The capacity will include environmental (solar, wind, wave), man-made (solar power plants, oil power plants, wind power, building insulation), and human (trained people, university programs, consultant, business) resources. Solutions are specific to areas so engaging a larger population to solve the solutions of energy change will allow for a more rapid change model. This will also engage the community to vote for the wisest ideas and learn solutions for their homes and organizations. The platform will require solutions to quantify their economic, social, and environmental impacts so that the best solutions can be understood and supported politically and socially.
How will this idea make people's lives better in Hawaii?
In the short term, Hawaii government and residents will benefit by getting the best clean energy solutions (economically, socially, and environmentally) to replace the existing 80% polluting oil energy production capacity [3]. This platform will allow for Hawaii’s residents to become aware of Hawaii’s clean energy future so they can actively get involved in producing the best solutions politically, entrepreneurially, and/or voluntarily. This platform will also allow for the best ideas to surface from community members, community organizations, business, and governments. In the long term, the global population will benefit by being able to forecast resource capacities and develop the best solutions in a resources scarcity environment produced by peak oil, poor soil conditions, polluted water sources, and more.
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